I published a series of new explanatory videos on my youtube-channel. Topics covered are „The Future of Agriculture“, „Crispr/Cas and the new borderline cases of plant biotechnology“ and „Carbon dioxide and Climate Change“. In the Crispr/Cas video I am talking about regulation of some borderline cases, where Crispr/Cas has been used to delete certain genes. My videos on climate change and agriculture try to summarize the current state of discussion in both cases. All three new videos are merged together with some older ones in a new playlist „explanatory videos“ (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo2Hf81jBlP8wuuobaxw3MlTz0R2Tb1Ld).

The Future of Agriculture

Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change

Crispr/Cas and the new borderline cases of Plant Biotechnology
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